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JLeslie's avatar

How do you regulate your blood pressure?

Asked by JLeslie (65498points) September 9th, 2018 from iPhone

Many of you know I am now a high blood pressure patient. It’s been impossible to regulate it.

What has been your experience dealing with high blood pressure.


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21 Answers

2davidc8's avatar

I am on prescription Lisinopril. But it also has helped to keep my weight down (my BMI is 19.5), exercise, cut out added sugar, reduce salt consumption. I probably don’t need to take Lisinopril anymore. I’ll check with my doc.

canidmajor's avatar

I know this isn’t helpful, sorry, but mine re-normalized when I moved from altitude (5800 ft) back to sea level.

JLeslie's avatar

Everything is helpful.

zenvelo's avatar

I keep mine in check the same as @2davidc8. 20mg of lisinopril. I run or hike at least five days a week, and walk as much as possible, all to keep my heart strong and my weight down.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Well I am a very high stress person, which means I can get dangerously high just on my temper alone, so I have to make a conscious effort to slow down, calm down and relax. It’s basically my own way of meditating a few times a day, or when I get amped up. My animals are also my helpers in that I can hang out with them or my birds if I need to calm down and it works really well.

My doc said no matter what I do or don’t do, I will stay on this medicine while he is my doctor.

PS My MIL can’t control hers, it goes dangerously low to dangerously high and has been that way for at least two years. She is a small framed, slim woman, but she also has a temper. Retirement has not helped in that aspect.

JLeslie's avatar

@KNOWITALL Does your MIL take medication when it’s high and then stop the meds when it’s low?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@JLeslie Yes, it changes daily. She really struggles with it a lot.

LostInParadise's avatar

I have been taking diovan and metoprolol for quite some time, and my doctor says that it is working rather well.

raum's avatar

I limit my interaction with my family.

flutherother's avatar

I was on the verge of requiring medication for high blood pressure several years ago but when I was checked again last week I was OK. I’m not sure how much confidence I should have in the figures but they were taken by professionals so I’ll go with what they say.

I have cut down on salt in my diet and I eat a banana every morning for breakfast. I am fitter than I was three years ago as I have been cycling and doing some hill walking. My weight, which was not excessive by any means has dropped somewhat. I have also retired since last being tested and that may also have something to do with it.

2davidc8's avatar

@KNOWITALL and @JLeslie Yes,, I know people that say mindfulness meditation and yoga help.

rojo's avatar

Doc says mine has become borderline high. I have become very sedentary after two separate heel surgeries and put on about 15 lbs. I took the meds he gave me for a while but quit when he told me I would have to be on it probably for the rest of my life. I also quit the Naproxin at the same time as I read that had a tendency to increase blood pressure over time. Still trying to figure out what to do.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@rojo Eeks, without treatment you can have a heart attack, I hope you’re monitoring it closely if you choose that route.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@rojo what is wrong with taking the meds for the rest of your life?

When we had the shop from 2002 to 2007 we didn’t have health insurance. When we closed the doors in 2007, and Rick got a job with insurance, the first thing I did was go to the doctor for a general check up. During the routine BP check everyone almost fainted. The nurse went running out of the room and came back dragging a doctor! My BP was 235/140. Imminent stroke zone, anyway.
So, they put me on Losartan and Amlodipine and here we are. It’s been just about perfect ever since. I would imagine I’d be dead by now if they hadn’t caught it when they did.

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Dutchess_III's avatar

So did you get on blood pressure meds @JLeslie? As I noted above, mine was BAD, but it’s regulated perfectly with meds.

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JLeslie's avatar

@Dutchess_III I tried four different meds. The last one caused some kidney damage and I stopped taking them and went back to upping my thyroid meds and my blood pressure has been “ok”. My blood pressure was crazy high when I was taking the blood pressure medication 170/110 in the afternoons). I think as a rebound when I was withdrawing during the day before taking it again. Plus, since it was damaging my kidneys maybe that was raising my BP I don’t know.

I was going to do a video appointment with my endocrinologist is Memphis, but I never did.

Anyway, I upped my thyroid meds and my BP has been about 110/70–135/85 so I’ve just left it for now, because I get so discouraged going to doctors who aren’t listening to me.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m just glad I don’t have issues with my blood pressure meds. I hate it when it hits 220 / 135. When they caught it, the nurse asked how come I didn’t know it was that high. “Didn’t you notice anything?” she asked. “No dizziness or anything?” It was disheartening because hypertension is a silent killer. There ARE no symptoms. She should have known that.

JLeslie's avatar

I feel GREAT when my blood pressure is high. It’s low blood pressure that makes me feel spacey and weak.

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