General Question

Jonathan_hodgkins's avatar

Analog to human skin for testing?

Asked by Jonathan_hodgkins (687points) April 15th, 2015

I am looking for something that could act as an analog to human skin that we could potentially bury an acoustic probe within.

This is appealing to me because that probe would be able to pick up information from the surface and be at a set location that would experience limited danger of wear.

Do you have any suggestions or thoughts about where to find something like that?

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4 Answers

talljasperman's avatar

List an add in your newspapers employment section.

majorrich's avatar

Don’t know about your application, but I use bananas to practice suturing on.

Afos22's avatar

What qualities of human skin would this analog need to possess?

cazzie's avatar

Pigs (and their carcasses) are often used to simulate the mass of the human body.

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