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LadyMarissa's avatar

What would you do if your most beloved pet showed up to guide you home upon time for your death?

Asked by LadyMarissa (16141points) May 1st, 2023

Both my parents opted to go into hospice once they knew the end was near. While still at home, my Mom’s parents & her favorite Aunt came to visit with her. When Dad’s time came, it was my Mom who came to let him know it was his time. I was visiting with a friend in hospice today. She is very close to the end & never realized that I was there. While there, she was talking to her beloved dog who left us years ago. She was petting her & asking her to wait just a little bit longer because she didn’t feel well enough to go out & play. I’m aware that it’s normally a loved one who comes to lead us home, but this is the first time I’ve heard of a pet showing up. According to the hospice nurse, this is becoming more commonplace. Would you prefer to be comforted by your all-time favorite pet or a family member who went before you?

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11 Answers

mazingerz88's avatar

I wouldn’t be able to keep myself from crying buckets of tears. My 11 year old Japanese Spitz dog “Pags” died without me by his side.

I still feel bitter remorse each time I get to think about that shitty situation I was in many years ago.

If he shows up to guide me towards what’s next out there…( would be a real hoot if there truly is something out there past death )…it would take me at least an hour ( Earth’s time ) hugging, kissing, petting and rubbing Pag’s tummy before anything else.

Pandora's avatar

Oh, tough call. It’s between my dad and my dog. I would want them both.

NoMore's avatar

I feel the same as Pandora. Might be a bit weirded out by it all if I wasn’t out of it though. Not sure how I feel about life after death or even if we continue to exist in some form or other .

elbanditoroso's avatar

I would be weirded out since I don’t have pets. I would wonder if they wrong person was being led to the gallows.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I watch HospiceNurseJulie on fb reels, and it does seem to be more common. I love my family, and would enjoy them coming to get me BUT if my animals came I wouldnt hesitate one second more. They’ve always been the great loves of my life.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

I would certainly be happy to see them.

janbb's avatar

Whoever comes for me, if i’m “fixin’ to die”, I’m going to die. I doubt you have much agency at that point.

JLeslie's avatar

If I think about it from my typical atheist standpoint, I’d figure it’s just my mind going. Lots of people who develop dementia ruminate about childhood friends and memories and pets.

I guess if it was happening to me I would be happy to see my pet, but if there is an afterlife it seems more logical to me that a beloved family member would appear and lead me. I always hoped my grandmother was greeted by her father if this type of interaction actually happens.

I went to a funeral service about 12 years ago where one of the people eulogizing the deceased said the person who passed away was now in heaven, but animals don’t go there. He said humans are special and distinct from animals. I was pretty upset by this. I had no idea some Christians believed this, except that I know some are literally disgusted by the idea of evolution and humans developing from other animals. To actually articulate it at the funeral, I just really couldn’t believe it.

If there is a heaven I believe our special pets are there.

smudges's avatar

My heart won’t allow me to have a favorite, so I would hope there would be a number of old buddies to follow. And follow I would. ❤️

Zaku's avatar

Sounds nice. I don’t have a preference, and I also don’t have a “most beloved” – I have quite a few very beloved past pets, all of whom I’d like to see.

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