General Question

Nevada83's avatar

My boss left me out in below zero cold for 45 minutes... then yells at me for being hateful. How would you have reacted?

Asked by Nevada83 (999points) January 2nd, 2018

It was -21 with the wind chill that morning.

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10 Answers

CWOTUS's avatar

You need to add some detail. He locked you out of the building and gave an evil laugh while watching you freeze? He made you wait for him to get to work and open the place up? He kept you lounging around outside while he laughed it up with a customer inside?

I might have reacted the same way that you seem to have: by becoming confused and forgetful.

kritiper's avatar

Yell right back about what an ungrateful, uncouth, uncaring, inconsiderate moron he/she is.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I think little more details are needed,why were you left outside for that time?

Nevada83's avatar

Well I called her with my family there with me and I asked her why she didn’t let me in… She said I wasn’t there at 5:55… I was and she just didn’t want to look at the camera.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Is there anyone over her head you can file a complaint with?

Nevada83's avatar

Well she ended up looking at the tape and she apologized…

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Well then it’s up to you,accept it or go over her head with your complaint.

AshlynM's avatar

Is that normal for your boss to leave people out in the cold? Complain to management. Could’ve been avoided had she looked at the tape to in the first place.

chyna's avatar

Can you ask for a key to get in so that this never happens again?

Aster's avatar

How would I have reacted? I would have fallen to the ground and cried my eyes out then played unconsciousness. Sounds like a nice lawsuit to me.

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