Social Question

jca's avatar

Do you consider yourself a judgemental person? Judgemental about certain things? What things?

Asked by jca (36062points) July 20th, 2015

Do you consider yourself a judgemental person?

Are you judgemental about some things? What are you judgemental about?

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13 Answers

talljasperman's avatar

I get angry when I can’t explain my dejavu. Psychological doctors should have at least 1 class in the paranormal. After all parapsychologists would like the fun part of psychology of the mind. I’m judgemental for those who claim to want to study the mind chooses not to be interested by the psychic world.

JLeslie's avatar

I consider myself not very judgmental. Or, judgmental about few things.

I do tend to judge people who are extremely irresponsible with money, and women who get pregnant more than once accidentally when they can barely rub two nickels together.

I also admit to judging people who leave a mess behind for other people to clean up.

Everything else I think I’m pretty accepting and open.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I’m judgmental about people who say they don’t judge,WE all do it to some degree is it right?
Maybe not, but we all do it.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

The definition of “judgemental” has, unfortunately, taken on a negative connotation. There is judgement based upon requesting facts to back up a statement and judgement that is based upon assumption. The latter is what puts a negative spin on the term.

I am guilty of doing this and have learned to ask for clarification, hopefully, in a non-threatening way. After all, the intent is to learn from the interaction. It just needs to be backed up with fact.

Generalizations are the hot button. When statements are made based upon one or a handful of interactions with a so-called member(s) of a group, class, etc., then it is stereotyping. We are all individuals with a complex background, make-up and goals. To classify what one sees on the outside based upon personal experience is a disservice to the person in question. Each of us has our own tale to tell.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I’m judgemental of superstitious people. I’ve seen people messing up because they believe that doing some irrational things can do them good. Some people waste so much money for crudely drawn charms and predictions everyone can make up. It gets on my nerves more when these people “please the god” for important decision like investing in business.

ibstubro's avatar

I’m often very narrow-minded (judgmental) in thought, then very open-minded in deed.

zenvelo's avatar

I get judgmental of people who are closed minded to expanding their lives. People who won’t try something new or different.

I had a woman work for me, who despite working in San Francisco, knew little beyond walking from the subway to the office and back. One time her train had to go onto the next stop, and she did not know how to walk back the four blocks.

Blackberry's avatar

I have a thing against people with no tact. Everywhere you go there’s always someone that has very little self awareness. Like if you can’t understand that the women you’re hitting on at the bar has zero interest in you, I can’t help but wonder if you’re slightly retarded or something lol.

dammitjanetfromvegas's avatar

I’m judgmental about judgmental people. I give everyone a chance and treat everyone equally, so it irks me when I see others who are rude. I judge them by assumimg they are assholes.

DoNotKnow's avatar

Like others have mentioned, judgment is what we do – we all form opinions. But the term is apparently mostly reserved to describe being quick to judge and being overcritical.

I’ve been interested in this quality of my own my mind for some time. But it’s not necessarily the just the negative judgments (or opinion-forming) that concerns me. Rather, the mind seems to form opinions good and bad incessantly. Listening to two people talk is to witness people taking turns as they express judgment and opinions. The judgments may be good or bad.

It’s easy to then go back to the voice in our head and see that it too is perpetually serving up judgments and opinions on everything. We like this and dislike that. One of my goals in practice has been to try to find those moments where I can see an opinion is taking shape. In that moment, I pause. Is it possible to not have an opinion – to not like or dislike something? Is it possible to find that experience unfiltered by judgment? I think the answer may be yes.

As a chronic pain sufferer, I have worked extensively to change my relationship with pain. My doctor describes it in terms of neuroplasticity. But subjectively, it means that I can experience sensations that I may (or may have) labeled as pain and not signal my “don’t like” judgment alarm. It doesn’t mean that I’m forming positive opinions. It just means that to some degree, the sensation -> identification as pain -> judgment -> experience of pain path has been short-circuited.

I’m trying to apply this more generally to see what I can learn about the trigger-happy opinion-forming nature of the mind. I think there may be more to life than merely liking and disliking things.

Pandora's avatar

Yes of people who quick to anger without knowing all the facts and don’t bother to apologize. I mean we all do it but I know some people who did it all the time.

I’m also most judgmental of people who have had tons of opportunities come their way and let them slip buy so they can sit back and wine how life is unfair. Especially the ones who never learn and want other people to fix their problems.

ibstubro's avatar

Funny, we all judge this question from a personal perspective?


extremely_introverted's avatar

For me women who have undergone abortion and the men who supported them are selfish and lowest of the low type of people. Men and women who cheated for whatever reason on their partners especially sexual cheating are weak and cruel type of people. They don’t deserve to be happy and be loved at all. Oh yes, i can be very judgemental. :)

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