General Question

syz's avatar

Anyone know how to remove tar from wildlife?

Asked by syz (35953points) August 10th, 2013

My rehabber friend has 5 birds coming in covered in tar, and Dawn dish-washing liquid doesn’t work (as it does for oil).

Any ideas?

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6 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

When I lived in Santa Barbara, we used to use baby oil to get the beach tar off our feet. But I would call a bird conservancy group to make sure. What kind of birds? Waterfowl have oils on the feathers that help the float and fend off water, losing that oil from their wings can be just as devastating as the tar.

syz's avatar

Apparently the birds arrived with coated in hot tar, in their eyes, beaks, and in respiratory distress, so they were euthanized.

Neodarwinian's avatar

Permatex 25218 Fast Orange Hand Cleaner with Pumice.

Sorry it is too late.

filmfann's avatar

De-Solv-it works remarkably well on removing tar. It has an orange juice base, and will not harm the birds.

JLeslie's avatar

@syz Very sad :(.

Zaku's avatar

Call a wildlife rehab organization that has trained with oil removal techniques. I would recommend PAWS of Washington State. See:
PAWS Wildlife Center at 425.412.4040

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