Social Question

wundayatta's avatar

What's the best thing you, personally, can do to help elect the candidate of your choice?

Asked by wundayatta (58730points) September 14th, 2012

I’m just wondering what you are willing to do for your political choice and what you think the best thing you can do is.

For example, if you volunteer, you might find yourself registering voters or knocking on doors, or putting up yard signs, or making phone calls, or organizing teams of any of these things.

Maybe if you have talent, you might be writing copy or making ads or doing political strategy. You might write letters to the editor. Or maybe the best thing you can do is agitating online on various fora.

So what do you think is the best thing you can do, and more importantly, why is that the best thing you can do?

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9 Answers

DrBill's avatar

volunteer, they will tell you where the need is the greatest and most useful.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@SpatzieLover said it best. The single most important thing I can do is vote.

Tachys's avatar

The best thing I can do is work for the candidate raising money and awareness. However in all honesty the best thing I will do is put a sign of support on my lawn.

ETpro's avatar

I’d say donating time and money as you are able is the most valuable action most of us are able to offer. Over 130 million people voted in the 2008 election. Only a tiny percentage of those people gave any time or money to either candidate. And in this post Citizens United election, if your candidate doesn’t happen to have backing of the billionaires and mega-corporations, doing more than just casting a ballot is more important than ever before in leveling the playing field.

augustlan's avatar

Donating money is particularly helpful in this election, if you support Obama. He’s being outspent at every turn, as @ETpro says. (I donated early on, when I had the money to do so.) Vote, and encourage like-minded people to vote, too. Drive them to the polls, if necessary.

I do a lot of political ‘agitating’ on Facebook, but I have no illusions that I’m changing any adult’s mind. I do it because there are a lot of younger people reading it, and my hope is that they will learn from it and elect the best leaders in the future.

ragingloli's avatar

Assassinate the opponent.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@ragingloli OR just write a letter to your congress people and tell them you have a problem with the fact that Mitt Romney might be a unicorn. They’ll take his name off the ballot.

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